No Way To Treat A Scholar

I responded to this comment and asked this student “What do you suppose was in it for them?” and they wrote back:

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5 Responses to No Way To Treat A Scholar

  1. Pingback: Gary Rubinstein looks at Attrition at Moskowitz’ “Success Academy”… | GFBrandenburg's Blog

  2. drext727 says:

    Reblogged this on David R. Taylor-Thoughts on Education and commented:
    Every time I read another story about this place,( I won’t call it a school) it makes me ill. It is all about this facade they want to present, not about students.

  3. Pingback: Gary Rubinstein: How Scholars Fail at Success Academy | Diane Ravitch's blog

  4. Greg Esres says:

    We could better evaluate these schools if we had access to more data. That should be a requirement if private charters are allowed to operate.

  5. MIke Trembley says:

    We can all thank Bloomberg and Cuomo for giving Evil Moskowitch the run of mill of nyc buildings by passing a law that mandated that the nycdoe either let them into a nycdoe building or pay rent at another building…either way moskowitch took this privilege and ran with it and now we have this monster to hear about and deal with.
    The amount of damage michael bloomberg did to the school system in nyc can not be measured. Bloomberg was exposed in his sorry bid to run for president during the debates we learned that midget mike is a complete bozo who struck it rich with one great idea in life so he thought he was so sort of genius because of it. NOT.

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